I'm flying high after facing fear
For you it might be spiders, but it was fear of flying that held Leanne Mallett back for years. That is until she found a new level of trust in her Heavenly Father…
As I write this, I’m at 35,000 feet in the air on a plane heading to our holiday destination.
Flying is something I’ve actively avoided; swerved for many years.
Let’s just say I wasn’t a fan of flying ‒ actually, if I’m honest, I was terrified of it.
This fear stopped us as a family going to many destinations abroad together for many, many years. We did travel, but I always managed to convince everyone that cruises or holidays within the UK were the best option. I was content with any holiday plan that didn’t involve being in the air.
When I think about many common fears people have ‒ like heights or spiders ‒ many of them seem irrational to others and can be hard to understand.
A lot of people couldn’t grasp my fear of flying, but for me, it was very real, and no amount of ‘you’ll be fine’ reassurances made it any easier.
I’d pretty much accepted that I would never fly again unless absolutely necessary. This was frustrating, not only for my family but for me as well. It limited the places where we could go and experience together.
So, this year I realised the only way I was going to get past this was to face it head-on – and so we booked the holiday.
… story continues