Christian Holidays & Conferences Guide

A brilliant selection of Christian holidays and Conferences all around the UK and abroad that are refreshing for both body and soul.

The Christian Holidays & Conferences Guide is packed with a great selection of breaks. Sections include holidays, conferences, accommodation, Bible camps, festivals, churches, retreats and conference venues. From walking to sunbathing and Christian Conferences to retreats, any of the getaways listed here will help build up your faith. Home or abroad, whether you love hot weather or cold, you are sure to find something that will fit the bill. Plus, the Guide can also help you find a vibrant church to visit while you are away.

Looking for a break that is refreshing for your body AND soul? Well, look no further! The Guide is published each year in December and distributed as a free supplement with the iBelieve Magazine, Direction Magazine, Heroes of the Faith Magazine and New Life Newspaper. Copies are also distributed via Christian bookshops throughout the country, and the Guide is published free of charge online all year round.

To get your copy of the Guide each year, simply susbscribe to iBelieve Magazine, Direction Magazine, Heroes of the Faith Magazine or New Life Newspaper. That way you’ll be sure to receive your copy. But if you missed out on the latest issue you can read it online today. Or why not order your own printed copy?

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Order your paper copy or download a digital version below to see this year's best offerings for Christian holidays and conferences!

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