Changing seasons give choices
I was in a dark season of life serving my third term in prison when I first learned the Serenity Prayer, says Liam Husband.
But it proved to be a valuable lesson… I’m a different person than I was a decade ago. Some changes have taken place in my life that I have intentionally sought, whilst some have come into my life beyond my control.
Some seasons come naturally. Some seasons come as a bit of a shock. Even those we pursue on purpose may cause us to have to make adjustments and changes we may not have anticipated.
How we adjust may determine what happens next or how long an unwanted season will last.
A good principle for anyone about to walk through any season is learning to be good stewards of everything that happens to us, both good and bad.
What if our blessings come through the raindrops of life? What if our healing comes through the tears? There is always something happening on a deeper level in whatever season we find ourselves.
So, how can we plan to navigate change with courage, grace and peace so that we can make the most of each season?
I first learned the Serenity Prayer when I was in a dark season of life. I was serving my third sentence in prison and found myself on a rehab landing because they offered televisions.
I had to start attending different groups working through what is known as ‘the steps’ and at the end of each group we would say this prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
… story continues