Theology that's fit for the future

Theology that's fit for the future

How will Regents Theological College celebrate its centenary? By recognising its rich past while innovating for the future, says new Principal Michelle Nunn.

It’s been a year of big changes at Regents Theological College: a new Principal, a restructured senior team and a boosted intake that bucks a trend in the struggling higher education arena.

And now, against this backdrop, the college has entered its centenary year, too.

Principal Michelle Nunn is excited for the opportunity to reflect on the college’s rich history throughout 2025, while also introducing new ideas to adapt its ministry and mission for the future.

Centenary celebrations

“To mark our centenary we’re writing a book about Regents’ history,” she says. “That’s from 1924, when George Jeffreys spoke about the aspiration for a Bible college, and onwards, covering our history in Clapham, Capel, Nantwich and Malvern.

“It will also talk about some of the characters who taught and studied here.”

A celebratory dinner in July and events throughout the year will also help create an exciting year.

Meanwhile, Michelle is keen to use the centenary as an opportunity to move Regents forward too.

“We’re looking at launching some new initiatives,” she says.

“One thing in the pipeline is ‘Thinking Pentecostals’ – a monthly webinar encouraging people to think more deeply about some of the issues in our churches and in the world, as well as some theological reflection.”

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