Marty Davison, inset

Making international mission possible

From school planting to gospel sharing to supporting those rescued from sex trafficking, Elim missionaries are making a huge difference around the world. New International Missions Director Marty Davison is supporting them and drumming up awareness of their work. Chris Rolfe reports.

“I’ve been an Elim pastor and a missionary in the heart of the Amazon. And that’s a real help now I’m building connections between both camps,” says Marty Davison.

Marty took up his role as Elim’s International Missions Director (IMD) in September and is telling how he has dived straight into supporting missionaries and enthusing Elim churches about international missions.

Meeting the missionaries

“Elim has 60 missionaries serving in around 39 areas, so one of the first things I’ve done is connect with them,” he says.

“There was a year between former IMD Iain Hesketh leaving and me starting so it’s been important to tell them what I’m doing and assure them I’m representing them.”

One-to-one Zoom calls and monthly group hubs covering six different time zones have proved hugely useful, he says.

“It’s really been fun. I’m hearing how God has called people into mission, about miracle after miracle and getting to pray with them.

“One missionary in the Philippines was in typhoon season so we prayed God would prevent any flooding. At the same time it’s dry season in the Amazon so we were praying for rain for them there!”

Having experienced the challenges of working in Maues – a 24-hour boat ride from the nearest city – Marty and his wife Rebeca are well-versed in the trials of missionary life.

During one hub call that meant Marty could relate to a missionary in Africa.

… story continues

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