Hooked! Andrew Palau Found God While Fishing

Hooked! Andrew Palau Found God While Fishing

Despite being the son of one of the world’s best known evangelists Andrew Palau rebelled against God until in his late 20s all that changed during a dramatic encounter in Jamaica. Peter Wooding met the man on a mission to Britain

Typical of so many kids growing up with their parents in Christian ministry, Andrew Palau rebelled against his mum and dad’s faith and set about living the party lifestyle.

Even though he’d heard his father, Luis’, gospel messages countless times, it took a fisherman in Jamaica to eventually lead him to Christ.

“I was 27 years old at the time and I’d graduated from university,” Andrew says.

“I was living on the East Coast in Boston working my way up the corporate ladder. I wore a mask to say everything was fine, but in my heart I was really trapped in abusive relationships, drugs and alcohol.

“My father invited me to come to visit while they were having a festival in Kingston, Jamaica. It was February and there was two feet of snow in Boston and my parents thought the attraction of Jamaica might work. I love fishing so I said if you give me a marlin fishing trip I’ll come.”

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