Peacemaker or Peacekeeper?
From the tumultuous atmosphere of American, French, British, Canadian, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese and Middle Eastern politics, it would be easy to think that peace is a pipedream.
With so much conflict in the world, a whole generation around us is wondering how peace might ever be achieved or protected.
Recently, the head of NATO declared that the world should prepare for a global conflict, and voices across the UK and Europe have been echoing these sentiments. Spending is being ramped up on arms, and the language of nations is becoming more confrontational, protectionist and aggressive.
How are Christians to respond to this febrile atmosphere given the biblical reality that we serve the Prince of Peace and we are called to be peacemakers? Jesus himself reminds us, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God,” (Matthew 5:9, NRSVA).
The Apostle Paul says, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all,” (Romans 12:18, NRSVA). In his farewell discourse (John 14-17), Jesus reminds us that he brings us peace and promises us that his peace will remain with us in the midst of chaos. In Ephesians 2, Paul reminds the Jewish and Gentile believers that Christ is their peace, and that Jesus breaks down the middle wall of partition between them.
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