Living in God's Sphere

Living in God's Sphere

Being in God is to be surrounded, saturated, strengthened and safe as adopted sons of our Heavenly Father, explains Gordon Allan (inset, above, on main picture of U2 playing at The Sphere).

My WhatsApp pings. My USA-based brother is sharing a status update. He has tickets to see U2 perform at The Sphere, Las Vegas, only two weeks after it opened.

I was both very pleased and very jealous, yet felt compelled to share his joy. The Sphere is a 112m high x 157m wide dome-shaped auditorium seating 18,600. Its draw is a floor-to-ceiling wraparound, 16k resolution LED screen with 4D physical effects and a sound system loaded with the latest technology.

Oh, and the exterior is also covered in LED displays.

And all this before a single song is sung! It is a totally immersive experience, placing you in the centre and then having your audio and visual awareness saturated with images and sound.

You are in the middle, cocooned in the moment and invited to step into this high-tech journey.

I have been thinking about the New Testament church in Thessalonica.

Formed through God hijacking Paul’s plans (Acts 16:6-10) and having evangelism/church planting cut short due to a riot after three short weeks (Acts 17:1-10), it wasn’t a ‘good’ start.

But it was a God start!


Read the whole article in context in the February 2024 issue of Direction Magazine.

Direction Magazine

Direction is the official monthly publication of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK, and is packed with all Elim's latest news, inspiration, vision and teaching. Find the latest edition and many back issues of Direction here.

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