Five reasons you need a Missions Champion

Five reasons you need a Missions Champion

If you’ve been to an Elim Leaders Summit in the last few years, writes Jack Skett, or you follow Elim on social media, you’ll be aware of our movement’s four priorities: Making Disciples, Growing Churches, Developing Leaders and Reaching Nations.

At Elim Missions, we help churches advance that fourth priority of reaching nations.

Whether your church is already engaged with international missions, or you have no link with missions at all, one of the best ways you can advance reaching nations is to identify and appoint a Missions Champion.

Here are five reasons why:

Focusing on the Great Commission
We all know that the mission of the church can be summed up in Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:18-20. A Missions Champion is someone who will assist your church leadership in keeping a focus on the Great Commission, by highlighting the nations not just as a peripheral activity but as an integral part of the ministry of your church.

Effective coordination
As a local church pastor myself, I know what it is to feel pulled in multiple directions at once. You may have a heart for the nations, but do you have the time to devote to promoting international missions? A Missions Champion can drive this for you, coordinating your church’s activities and communications around the area of missions in a way that fits with your local church culture.

Inspiring and mobilising the church
Passion begets passion. Having someone who is passionate about the work of missions will be a game-changer in terms of mobilising your church to get involved with missions both in the nations and in your local area, whether that’s in prayer, giving, or going on a missions trip.


Read the whole article in context in the January 2024 issue of Direction Magazine.

Direction Magazine

Direction is the official monthly publication of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK, and is packed with all Elim's latest news, inspiration, vision and teaching. Find the latest edition and many back issues of Direction here.

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