Do spiritual disciplines matter?

Do spiritual disciplines matter?

As the new year begins, many aim to start as they mean to go on, including taking a fresh approach to their spiritual disciplines. Jarin Oda (pictured, inset, above) explores with Tim Alford the practices that help him.

Prayer, worship, reading the Bible, fasting. These are four of a multitude of spiritual practices we’re encouraged to engage in regularly. But have you ever thought about why they matter?

Why do spiritual disciplines play such an integral part in our spiritual growth?

These were questions Tim Alford and American youth pastor Jarin Oda took time out to consider during a recent Limitless podcast.

Jarin points out that just as regular trips to the gym – however reluctantly made – improve our physical fitness and bring a host of other benefits, so too do daily spiritual practices.

“I intentionally practice things that aren’t my natural disposition. That does something to the way you look at the rest of your day, how you interpret your experience or your life,” he says.

“The more I step regularly into this rhythm or particular activity, the more it’s shaping my perspective on God’s character, on what I can expect or choose to expect in my moment-by-moment existence."



Read the whole article in context in the January 2024 issue of Direction Magazine.

Direction Magazine

Direction is the official monthly publication of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK, and is packed with all Elim's latest news, inspiration, vision and teaching. Find the latest edition and many back issues of Direction here.

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