Roy McEwen, inset

No more stinking thinking

Roy McEwen looks back at an MPower event that boldly declared an end to divorce within the church.

Mentoring men is an amazing journey.

It’s hard – very hard – it requires an anointing of 2 Corinthians, chapter 3, and most importantly the Holy Spirit ever-present in real time.

At the beginning of the year, the Holy Spirit placed on our hearts to host a men’s event to declare an end to divorce in the church.

Looking at the statistics which indicate that divorce in the church runs at the same level as divorce in the world, you’d have to be pretty certain to make that declaration.

The event was structured with worship, followed by a message from Pastor Mark Lyndon-Jones, Director of Elim MPower, entitled: ‘No More Stinking Thinking’.

Saying it was powerful is an understatement.

Mark tackled the taboo subject of our thoughts – the way a man thinks, so he is (Proverbs 23:7).

Following that powerful message there were three breakout sessions: ‘Kingdom Citizenship Success’ led by Pastor Eric Asare of End Times Ministries; ‘The Heart’ led by Christian Men’s Network UK Director Felix Ajayi and ‘Conflict Resolution’ led by myself, Roy McEwen, Christian Business Coach and 2=1 Marriage Ministry.

Testimonies flowed all afternoon, and have continued since the event.

One brother, estranged from his Christian wife, received revelation from the Holy Spirit about his own ‘stinking thinking’. He repented and within days received a call to visit the children.

… story continues

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