Are you feeling spiritually dry?

Are you feeling spiritually dry?

There will be streams in the desert, predicts Isaiah in chapter 35. But how can that happen, asks David Campbell (inset, above).

Growing up on the west coast of Scotland, the one thing you do get to know about is rain. Although there are many lovely sunny days, we used to joke saying the only difference between summer and winter was that in summer the rain was a bit warmer!

But we knew that part of the trade-off for living on the beautiful, green, hill-framed coastland was that we had our fair share of rain. That is why Isaiah’s reference to streams flowing OUT of the desert is so captivating.

How so? Where is the water coming from? No river has its source in a desert. But the river of God’s presence and purpose flows out of the desert, from a dry place.

Ever felt dry? Ever felt thirsty? I guess there are at least two reasons for feeling spiritually dry.

Firstly, being backslidden and not living in God’s presence. That problem is easily remedied by repenting and coming afresh to the one who gives us water from Heaven such that we never thirst in that way again.

Then there is the longing that is triggered not by the lack but by the nearness of his presence. A bit like how you can be quite happily minding your own business when from nowhere you are aware of a wonderful aroma of your favourite food cooking and suddenly your stomach lets your brain know that it’s lunch time and you are really hungry.

I believe the Lord allows us to smell the fragrance of Heaven in order to trigger that hunger for his presence. This rain falls on thirsty people.


Read the whole article in context in the January 2024 issue of Direction Magazine.

Direction Magazine

Direction is the official monthly publication of the Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK, and is packed with all Elim's latest news, inspiration, vision and teaching. Find the latest edition and many back issues of Direction here.

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