Marcus Stanley was shot EIGHT times but says God saved his life

Marcus Stanley was shot EIGHT times but says God saved his life

Marcus Stanley was left for dead after a street attack but saw an angel stood over him 

A musician who was shot eight times believes God sent an angel to save his life.

Pianist Marcus Stanley, who at Easter spoke about his ‘miracle’ recovery to churchgoers, was attacked in Baltimore, Maryland, in 2004 after realising he didn’t have his wallet.

He recalled: “I turned around and started walking back to go get my wallet and I saw these guys standing on the corner that night and they were watching.”

One of the men approached Marcus and pulled out a gun from his jacket and shot him.

He said: “When I first saw the flash I didn’t know I got shot. I just remember hitting the ground and then when he stood over on top of me, that’s when I saw an angel get in front of me.

“And I remember it because I didn’t have time to think about that. It was an instantaneous thing.

“It was just a transparent figure. I couldn’t tell if it was a male or female. I didn’t see wings or anything like that. I saw it was clear, transparent and it was in front of me.”

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