Wheelchair woman runs in latest ministry miracle

Wheelchair woman runs in latest ministry miracle

A young mother got out of her wheelchair and ran around the church and a disabled man’s leg muscles instantly regrew in the latest miracles witnessed by a UK ministry seeing thousands come to Christ.

Evangelist Jonathan Conrathe has had “a remarkable pandemic” of miracles and salvations, with thousands giving their lives to Jesus on the streets, alongside numerous healings.

As part of his work Jonathan, founder and director of the Mission24 ministry, held two recent meetings for London church plants at the King and Country Church, Vauxhall, and St John’s, Hampton Wick.

At the small meeting in Vauxhall he saw five people decide to follow Jesus. Then: “I saw this lady in a wheelchair. Since her last child something strange had happened, starting in her hips and going all the way into her knees, ankles and feet. The doctors didn’t understand. She’d had X-rays and blood tests and everything.

“She was not able to walk more than 15 metres. Her feet and ankles would go into intense pain and she would collapse. I laid hands on her and heard the Holy Spirit say: ‘Tell her to get up’. She started to walk and we walked round the hall and got back to her wheelchair.

“I prayed for her again and after that heard the Holy Spirit say: ‘Tell her to run.’ She starts to take some steps and then she starts to jog. Then she starts running around the room. She gets two-thirds of the way around the room and collapses on her knees in tears and rejoicing and shouting praise to God, in no pain whatsoever. She pushed her wheelchair out of the meeting.”

In Hampton Wick, Surrey, a man with multiple disabilities including multiple sclerosis asked for healing.

Jonathan said: “As I laid hands on him I felt the Holy Spirit directing me to pray over different areas of his body. He’s been healed of every disability. The muscles on his legs had shrunk because of the disabilities. As I was praying for him, his muscles regrew. He’s been walking and running around ever since. About 40 people got saved that Sunday too.”

Jonathan is sent out with the prayer backing of KingsGate Community Church in Peterborough, but his inter-denominational work with Mission24 was paused as churches locked their doors at Covid’s height.

“It sounds strange, but we’ ve had a remarkable pandemic. We saw thousands come to the Lord online. We saw lots of healings online.

“As soon as we were allowed to, I wanted to take people out on the streets. We’re discovering probably about a 50 per cent increase in hunger for salvation on the streets.”

From Direction Magazine issue 235


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