Outreach of biblical proportions

Outreach of biblical proportions

Spotting a social media post prompted an outreach effort that led to more than 4,000 Bibles being handed out.

James Campbell-Wynter, 19, a gap-year student at St Paul’s Hammersmith in London, told Christianity Magazine: “My mate Angus saw a post on social media from friends in Australia: they had a stand on the street and loads of Bibles. He messaged me and said: ‘Do you want to buy some Bibles and go give them out?’ So, we bought 100 Bibles, printed a sign that said: ‘Free Bible?’ and took the Tube to Trafalgar Square.”

The first response to the effort was remarkable: “A family came up and the mother said: ‘We just became Christians. We’ve never been to church, we don’t have any Bibles, but this morning, I prayed for a sign – and here you are!’ They all got a Bible; we prayed and they were crying and encountering God. It was beautiful.”

The pair have continued the outreach since, with thousands accepting their offer of a free Bible.

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