Michelle Nunn, inset, takes charge at Regents this month.

Michelle is new Regents Principal

Michelle Nunn has been appointed as Principal of Regents Theological College and is set to take the reins at Elim’s national training centre in August.

The move comes ahead of a pivotal centenary year for the college, which is currently transitioning to become an independent charity – Elim College Limited – that will remain part of the Elim family.

With extensive experience leading as a pastor and in other contexts, Michelle is well prepared to build on the achievements of Dave Newton, who stepped down as Regents Principal and Elim’s Head of Training in February.

“As soon as I heard Dave was leaving I felt called to this role,” Michelle says.

“While I’ve led Nantwich Elim and serve on Elim’s National Leadership Team, probably the main reason I’ve been appointed is my experience with change management, and casting and seeing a vision come to pass.”

She cites the example of redeveloping Regents’ former Nantwich home when the college relocated to Malvern in 2009.

“We had management consultants and developers tell us our plans wouldn’t work, but thanks to God and an incredible team we repurposed the site and built a hub within the community which is home to Nantwich Elim Church, 47 local businesses and our resident overseas students, as well as the meeting place of 20-plus community groups each week,” she says.

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