Is there any difference between the religions?

Is there any difference between the religions?

With so many other faiths around the world, what makes Christians think they are right and all other religions wrong?

It may sound like arrogance, but that’s not the reason Christians believe they have the truth. And one thing is certain: not all religions can be true, because their basic beliefs contradict each other. If a witness in a court of law stood up and gave a completely different account of events to someone else, it would be up to the jury to decide who was telling the truth. In religion it’s just the same, but woolly thinkers too often get away with claiming that all religions are the same.

Hindu scholar Professor Zaehner correctly states, “To maintain that all religions are paths leading to the same goal, as is frequently done today, is to maintain something that is not true.

“The basic principles of Eastern and Western religions are simply not starting from the same premise.”

Today, our Western world is a multi-religious society and so it is popular to say, “We should be tolerant of all religions.”

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