We’re uniting to reach non-church children
Imagine 13 million kids getting to hear about Jesus! Former Regents Principal Dave Newton is dreaming big in his new role at Scripture Union. He told Chris Rolfe about his first few months in the job and his goals.
“Scripture Union exists to reach the 95 per cent of children or young people who don’t engage with church,” says Dave Newton.
That’s why, with his heart for evangelism, Dave was so excited about leading the team that’s aiming to make this vision a reality when he stepped in as SU’s National Director in March.
The 156-year-old organisation has long worked with churches, schools and individual believers to provide training and resources for faith building and outreach.
But as Dave set out in his new role, he inherited SU’s recently introduced Revealing Jesus strategy – a mission framework designed to enable churches to help children and young people explore and grow in faith.
“People often think of Scripture Union as a publishing house or the people who run holidays. Yes, we do that, but we’re now focused on reaching this 95 per cent who don’t go to church but are often open to exploring faith,” he said.
In his first few months in the job, Dave has focused on raising awareness of all SU has to offer.
“People don’t realise the resource we could be to churches; helping them take a more missional approach.”
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