A new Welsh-language service at Elim Aberystwyth

Speaking in Welsh tongue at service

Elim Aberystwyth made history when it launched the first regular Welsh-language service run by an Elim church. Pastor Joel Pridmore and Gweni King – the teen who powered the project – told Direction their story.

“People say they want a revival and to see a move of God in Wales. I believe one key to helping that happen is the Welsh language,” says Gweni King.

This is why Gweni, alongside a team from Elim Aberystwyth, was so passionate about launching the church’s – and the movement’s – first regular Welsh language service.

The church had been discussing the need for this for some time, explains Gweni’s pastor, Joel Pridmore.

“In our county, education is becoming increasingly Welsh-speaking and as of this year all primary schools are offering first-language Welsh education from foundation phase.

“Welsh is the first, and preferred, language for a large number in our local community.

“It’s really important to try and find ways to communicate with people in the language they speak at home and in school, because this is their heart-language.”

The church team had been too time-pressed to organise the service, but then an approaching milestone for Gweni prompted her to step forward.

“I’m going to uni in September and I really, really wanted this service to have started before I leave,” she says.

“Joel and everyone else were so busy but I had loads of time on my hands so I offered to start planning it.”

The first was held in March.

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