My leg grew after healing prayer
Decades of pain were healed in an instant as God lengthened a believer’s leg by more than an inch.
Chris White, now aged 69, was diagnosed with Perthes disease at age 13.
The condition affected his hip joint and meant many months in hospital and excruciating treatments.
“I spent six months in traction in Carshalton Children’s Hospital with my bed tilted up and heavy weights attached to my legs,” said Chris. “I was told to lie as still as possible, which isn’t easy for a 13-year-old!
“After four months they operated on me, breaking my hip and putting a six-inch metal plate in my left leg. Then I spent six weeks in a half-body plaster. It was quite traumatic for a young lad.”
The operation left Chris with a significant limp and he developed curvature of the spine and endured continuous lower back pain, his left leg being more than an inch shorter than his right.
Later, an X-ray revealed Chris’s hip joint had become deformed and a hip replacement was needed.
“They extended my left leg by nearly an inch, but I still walked unevenly and had serious back pain.”
But, in February, a prayer for healing changed everything.
Beacon Elim Church regular Chris was at a service where fellow church member Jill Southern was sharing about the work God was leading her into following the sale of the Pierrepont healing and deliverance centre.
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