How nurse helped acid attack model Katie Piper find faith

How nurse helped acid attack model Katie Piper find faith

Katie Piper explains how a life-changing incident changed her life in more ways than she expected as she recovered in hospital

Lying in a hospital bed in agony while recovering from an horrific acid attack on her face Katie Piper’s life seemed completely without any hope.

After being the victim of a rape, a colleague of the man attacked her with sulphuric acid resulting in her losing her eyelids, part of her nose and one ear. She has since endured more than 250 operations.

But Katie’s life took a complete turnaround through a Christian nurse.

“During my recovery she helped me to find God in my life. Finding faith in my early 20s was an amazing thing.”

Having grown up in Andover with no Christian influences in her life Katie was inspired that night to pray for the first time. Moments later she saw an incredible light in her hospital room and felt like she was being enveloped in a warm hug.

“Since that time my faith and the church have really helped me – providing comfort, community and positivity in a dark time in my life. I really appreciated the difference too, as I didn’t grow up in a religious home or have a religious upbringing.”

Highly successful

Since she found Christ 13 years ago Katie has gone on to establish a highly successfully writing, modelling and television career. She has also helped countless others through the Katie Piper Foundation.

“I set up the foundation over a decade ago to provide support, rehabilitation and awareness for burns survivors in the UK. In 2019 we opened the UK’s very first burns residential rehabilitation centre. Previously to this centre in Liverpool, burns survivors would have to go to France for rehabilitation, like I did. We have now helped and treated thousands of patients over the years – something I am immensely proud of. Despite lockdown we are still as active as ever for the people we help although where possible a lot of the mentoring and physio has had to take place remotely rather than face to face. It’s a challenging time for many charities and we are no different.”

Then in September Katie was delighted to take on her latest role as a presenter for Songs of Praise.

“It has been a dream come true. I really feel like it’s God’s plan for me. It has given me a brilliant opportunity to travel the UK, to meet some incredible people and hear their faith related stories. During my first programme, I met a lovely man called David when filming in Wales. He had actually become a volunteer, helping his local church and mental health service for farmers, after the loss of his wife to suicide.

“David uses his faith to help others, and give to others. He has turned his grief into healing and help, and I admire that immensely. More recently I’ve had the privilege to meet faith groups helping others throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, which was uplifting in a tough time for many.”

From Direction Magazine issue 227.

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