Emma-may Buckler-Watson with dog Daisy.

Emma-may's a walking miracle

Leg pain and walking problems that had lasted a lifetime vanished during a healing prayer for a Christian who’s now completed a 121-kilometre charity walk.

Emma-may Buckler-Watson was diagnosed with cartilage problems aged 21 and spent 30 years with mobility issues. Walking was “like being on stilts: the slightest knock and I’d be on the floor.”

Emma-may, who attends New Springs Church in Loughborough, had four operations to encourage cartilage to grow.

“By that time I had bone rubbing against bone and was losing height.

“My consultant said he’d never seen joints as tiny as mine and that I shouldn’t really be able to walk.”

By 2022, with Emma-may in her 50s, her condition was still debilitating and causing constant pain.

Attempting to live life despite this, she accepted an invitation to attend an Alpha course to “go back to basics and refresh our faith”.

The course was about to do a lot more than that.

“A gentleman asked if we could pray for the group for healing,” Emma-may says.

“As we prayed I could actually feel my knee healing – it was very strange!”


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