Contract decision that changed actor's life
As actor Cameron Arnett’s pen hovered over the contract, his life was about to be transformed.
Signing it would give him what thousands of ‘jobbing’ actors worldwide craved: the security of regular pay through a TV series role.
But, with the unsigned page in front of him, Arnett felt something. He told CBN: “I’m about to sign again and I feel the Holy Spirit really tap me on my shoulder.”
For a faith-filled actor, there was a problem.
The former Star Trek actor explained: “I was about to sign on the dotted line and they said, ‘Oh, by the way, we want Cameron to do partial-body nudity.’ I said, ‘I can’t do that. It violates my convictions, violates my God, my beliefs.’”
Arnett, now aged 64, was offered an alternative, with the studio agreeing to bring in a body double for the nude scenes. Problem solved, apparently …
But then the Holy Spirit stepped in with that tap on the shoulder, as his pen was poised, telling him: “You have to shun even the appearance of evil, because people will think that it’s you.”
Arnett told CBN: “So I dropped everything and, when I dropped everything, everybody dropped me as well. I lost everything, lost everybody, [my] agency and everything else and ended up abandoned in California, not knowing what I was going to do next.”
God knew, though.
“God had his plan and that was allowing all the life I had put together to unravel so that God could give me exactly what he wanted."
… story continues